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  • For you in Madrid
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+49 911 - 131 323 54
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CityHunters - The treasure hunt experts

Team Building in Madrid

Treasure hunt Madrid

Discover the capital of Spain on a state-of-the-art scavenger hunt in Madrid! The capital of Spain looks back on an eventful history: Madrid was founded in 854 as a Moorish military base and from 1561 onwards it was the capital of the Spanish Empire. During your tour through the city you will pass by many of Madrid's most famous buildings, which were built during the heyday of the city. Madrid is not only the capital of the Kingdom of Spain, but has much more to offer: Whether for gourmets, culture lovers or soccer fans - there is something for everyone! Therefore, Madrid is a perfect site for an exciting corporate event.

Madrid's city center is characterized by a multitude of architectural monuments from the most diverse eras: The Palacio Real is the official seat of the Spanish royal family - you may be surprised that the palace is almost twice as large as Buckingham Palace or Versailles Palace. Somewhat smaller, but no less magnificent is the Palacio de Cibeles, which has been the seat of Madrid's city administration since 2007. Despite the many architectural highlights, Madrid is also an extremely green city: many green areas, as for example the famous Plaza de España, the Parque Retiro or the extensive park complex Casa de Campo characterize the capital of Spain. 

Now that you have already gained an initial insight into Madrid's main landmarks, nothing stands in the way of a team building discovery tour through the city! Our iPad treasure hunt is the perfect way to do this, since the state-of-the-art CityHunters app will guide you through Madrid's city center in an extremely entertaining way. Other CityHunters events such as the tablet treasure hunt or the classic scavenger hunt in Madrid also have the potential to let you discover the Spanish capital with all its facets and create a beneficial team building effect.

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CityHunters Scavenger Hunt Madrid
CityHunters Treasure Hunt Madrid
CityHunters Team Building Madrid
CityHunters Company Trip Madrid
CityHunters Company Activity Madrid
CityHunters Corporate Event Madrid
CityHunters City Tour Madrid
Customer rating
★★★★★ 4.7 / 5.0
more than 10 years of experience
1.5 - 3h
4.7 / 5.0
Smartphone Hunt
Digital Scavenger Hunt Madrid
Classic Treasure Hunt
Scavenger Hunt Madrid
iPad Treasure Hunt
iPad Scavenger Hunt Madrid
  • CityHunters Team Guides on site
  • Helpline during the event
  • Picture gallery after the event
  • Individual start & finish location
  • Individual duration
  • CityHunters Team Guides on site
  • Helpline during the event
  • Picture gallery after the event
  • Individual start & finish location
  • Individual duration
  • CityHunters Team Guides on site
  • Helpline during the event
  • Picture gallery after the event
  • Individual start & finish location
  • Individual duration
  • Use your own Smartphone
  • Access to scavenger hunt web application
  • 12 riddle-locations
  • Task book and clipboard
  • 10 riddle-locations
  • iPad™ with CityHunters App
  • Over 20 riddle-locations
  • Real-time highscore
  • Chatroom
  • Individual tasks (optional)
  • Your company logo (optional)
from 23.00 per person from €35.00 per person from €50.00 per person

Advantages of a Team Building Event

Four reasons why to choose a scavenger hunt for your Team Building activity in Madrid
During a treasure hunt you discover Madrid together with your colleagues in a new and exciting way.
Through communication and interaction during the team building in Madrid you get to know your colleagues better.
Common experiences like a scavenger hunt tour in Madrid promote cohesion and strengthen the team spirit.
The common experience of the team building activity in Madrid will remain in your memory for a long time.

Our Team Building clients

CityHunters team events are loved by companies across all industries
Team Building Customer 186 Team Building Customer 189 Team Building Customer 35 Team Building Customer 33 Team Building Customer 179 Team Building Customer 119 Team Building Customer 80 Team Building Customer 171 Team Building Customer 92 Team Building Customer 201 Team Building Customer 114 Team Building Customer 16 Team Building Customer 54 Team Building Customer 103 Team Building Customer 22
"All participants were completely satisfied and had fun. MANY THANKS!"
AHS Aviation Handling Services GmbH
"Our team guide was great! She was very helpful and made the whole experience much better. Regards."
SET Travel & Consulting GmbH
"Very nice event. The organization went very well."
Beiersdorf AG
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